Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A bit about...

I've been thinking about the blog a lot lately. I'm pretty busy nowadays and if it's quite to find time for the stuff I *have* to do, you can imagine what it might be like for anything else.

Even though, that's not all. There's something about having a blog that doesn't look as appealing as it used to be. What's it all for? Why would I want to show people what I do or what I dress or how I put on my make-up? I used to do this for me, but somehow I feel like I don't need it anymore. It's like I feel confident and comfortable enough with my style and the way I live about it that I don't need reassurance. I actually don't even take pics of myself anymore, and this makes me sort of sad, when some days after that I remember that I loved my outfit that day but can't quite recall how it was and then it's like it never existed. Ok, maybe it's not that dramatic, but I once lost ALL my pictures from 2005 to 2010 and it somehow made an impact on my desire of documenting everything.

It makes me sad to abandon this, and that's why I won't leave it completely, but if we're connected in social networks you might see that my activity there has decreased as well, so I'll probably won't post here often. I remember someone said that I could put in some bits of my daily life and I might probably do that, use this as an outlet for random daily thoughts, to explain whatever projects and dreams I have in mind and whatnot. Even if I'm quite reserved (or simply introverted) and not the kind of person who'd talk about her life anywhere... But meh, if I don't want to abandon this (and I don't feel like doing extensive posts about useful stuff which I don't really know anything about -in the end, my field is pretty much opposite to this- that could take me loads of time and effort) I should do something about it.

For now, I'll throw in some random pics (shitty phone quality, soz).

Random outfit for class/work
I was happy with my hair that day (it took me only 15')
 but I couldn't take any good pics of it, lol.

Random pic class/work make-up/hair
My eh... "costume" for carnival.

Which, as you might see, it wasn't much of
a costume, but rather old clothes from my
former style, lol.
Moar camwhoring.

Aaaand another random outfit
(for class and work, guessed it?!)

As you might see, one of the reasons for not posting much is because... My life has gotten a bit routinary, and my routines fill pretty much all my day. I wake up early to get to class, I leave classes to get to work. I get out from work and usually I meet some friends/play something foreveraloneishly at home/do homework/work on whatever project I might have a couple hours until it's too late and I've got to drag me to bed so I won't be a zombie tomorrow. Yay me!

I just hope that some of my long term (well, medium term now! time flies!) projects don't fail... If everything goes as planned I might have a lot to tell... Soon. :)

Well, thanks for being there... Even if I've been absent, haha.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Small outfit compilation 2: Last days of November! + Circle lens advise!

Hey there!

 I've chosen to stay a week without wearing circle lenses because my left eye decided to... well, to take a bloody rebellion on its own!
I was thinking about making a post advising you to be careful with wearing circle lenses for too long (I usually wear them all day, which is MIN 13h most days because I have 6h of class and 6h of work, and that's if I don't do anything after work... which usually means wearing the lenses for WAY too long!)
I should do like most of my friends do, take them out when my eyes start feeling sore or when it's been more than 7-8 hours! It's just that I like the look they give too much and I don't want to take them out and go back to my small irises, lol! But health goes first, so after this small circle lens hiatus I'll try to be more sensible about their use.

Here's the proof of how my eyes looked after 10h of use (it was like 7 pm... and that day I went out for dinner, so imagine how they were at 1am!!):

He decidido estar una semana sin llevar circle lenses porque... bueno, mi ojo izquierdo decidió empezar una sangrienta rebelión por sí mismo y... bueno, llegué a un punto en el que acababa con el ojo sangriento hasta la mañana siguiente de quitármelas!
Así que voy a dejarlos respirar por lo menos una semana y de ahora en adelante haré como la mayoría de mis amigos (que también lleven CL, claro xD), quitármelas al cabo de un rato, cuando los ojos lleguen al límite! Había pensado en hacer un post sobre los peligros de las CL, pero al fin y al cabo me he dado cuenta de que la culpa es mía por ABUSAR! Claro, como mínimo me tiro 13h fuera de casa la mayoría de los días, y eso es si solo voy a clase y a trabajar!

Como muestra del abuso, podéis ver cómo tenía los ojos a las 7 de la tarde... Imagináos cómo acabaron a las 7 de la mañana xDDDDD

I usually don't make this kind of poses hahaha
But I was very stressed that day at work so I needed to get out of the office and do something childish and stupid to forget for a couple minutes about the pressure lol!

Normalmente no suelo hacer este tipo de pose xDDD Pero bueno, estaba bastante estresada y presionada ese día en el trabajo, así que los 5 minutos de descanso que me tomé me dediqué a hacer un poco el idiota jaja

And now onto the outfits! I just picked up 3 and they're from this weekend, yesterday and today, LOL! Last week the cold hit me too hard and caught me by surprise, so I didn't have anything to wear except boring (yet -sort of- warm) stuff or outfits that you've already seen so... They're not worth the time!

I've found though that I find myself more comfortable wearing a different style in winter, maybe more on the cute key than on the sexy, aggressive side! It's easier to be warm with huge sweaters than in micro d.i.a tops, lol!

(I'll find something else though, I usually switch styles a lot and don't like sticking to just one thing!)

Y... ahora a por los outfits!
La verdad es que los 3 que voy a enseñar son del sábado, lunes (ayer) y hoy mismo xD El frío de la semana me pilló muy desprevenida, y o bien me tuve que tapar con lo primero que pillaba cuando conseguía y me veía TAN rancia que ni sacaba foto o son cosas que ya he enseñado en otros posts de outfits, así que tampoco vale la pena incluirlo!

La verdad es que me he dado cuenta de que para el frío me gusta bastante más tirar hacia el lado más cute y monoso que no estar en mi estilo anterior, más adulto, sexy y agresivo porque... Bueno, siempre es fácil quedar mona y estar calentita con un jersey enorme, pero a ver tú cómo se ve una sexy pareciendo el muñeco de michelin a base de capas xDDDDD

Aun así, algo encontraré para irme definiendo en invierno. Algo encontraré!

Sweater: Bershka
Shirt: Bershka
Shorts: Bershka (omg, I hadn't noticed this LOL)
Knee-highs: Calcedonia
Boots: Camper
Accessories: Handmade (by Miyu's BF lol!) and Forever21 

Sweater: H&M!
Shirt: Blanco
Skirt: ??
Knee-highs: Calcedonia
Accessories:  Necklace ??, beret H&M

Sweater: Friday's proyect
Shirt: Bershka
Skirt: NewYorker (even if you can't see it xD)
Knee-highs: Calcedonia
Accessories: Forever21

I don't like the way this outfit ended up looking like! I need a white cute t-shirt and a black bowtie and maybe white knee-high socks because it if everything looks so dark it looses a bit of the cute key I was aiming for!
Dull make up because I got ready in 10' and I'm not wearing circle lenses! 

I was unsure about what to post because there are a few things that I'd like to talk about but I don't have enough time to develop them! (and I ended up making a somewhat long outfit post, d'oh).
Some are silly, like listing some new make-up wise  and random stuff I'd like to buy and why, others are a bit more serious (at least for me) like ways to deal with acne scars (or even my own fight with acne) or maybe stuff that might be helpful like my experience with TaoBao or MBok and/or how to order in these kind of places using different shopping services (as if there weren't enough tutorials lol!)

(As it's obvious, I'll leave the make-up tutorial for the time when I start wear lenses again, haha!)

If you'd like to know any of these in depth please let me know! I'm always happy to receive feedback!

And as always, thanks for reading! ^^

No sabía bien bien qué postear porque hay varios temas que me rondan la cabeza pero realmente no llego a tener tiempo de desarrollarlos tanto como me gustaría! (Aunque ahora he acabado extendiendo bastante el post de outfits xDDD)
Algunos de ellos son bastante chorra, como las cosas de maquillaje -o en general- que tengo pensado comprarme próximamente y por qué, otros son más serios (por lo menos para mí), como formas de intentar tratar las cicatrices que deja el acné (o incluso mi propia lucha contra éste, que son muchos años ya!) o cosas que puedan ser útiles para los demás como mi experiencia con comprar en sitios como TaoBao o MBok con varios intermediarios (bueno, uno distinto en cada) o incluso hacer un tutorial sobre cómo comprar en este tipo de sitios (como si no hubiese bastantes ya xDDD aunque la verdad es que muchos están en inglés)!

Obviamente el tutorial de maquillaje lo dejaré para cuando me vuelva a poner lentillas! xDDD

Pero bueno, si os gustaría saber algo más sobre alguno de estos temas o similares, hacédmelo saber! Siempre estoy encantada de leer sugerencias!

Y como siempre, gracias por leer! ^^

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bang bangs!

(Some of you might already know about this from my FB/twitter)
So yesterday I was pretty stressed about the way my bangs looked and I kept thinking that I needed a change so I took the scissors and bam! I cut my bangs. Just like that!
I've got no knowledge whatsoever about hairdressing so it's a miracle that it doesn't look like a complete disaster but heck! you've got to do what you want, or to try it at least!
Otherwise I'd just keep complaining about how much I needed a change and that I didn't know what to do and so on and so on, so I thought that the best way to do something was to actually do it.
You know how it goes:

Do or do not, there is no try.

(Es probable que algun@s ya sepás de que va la cosa por mi twitter/FB)
Pues ayer estaba bastante tayada con el tema de mi flequillo y cómo se veía y no dejaba de pensar en que quería un cambio, por lo que cogí las tijeras y me dediqué a hacer un poco el apaño. Tal cual!
No tengo ningún conocimiento de peluquería, por lo que es un milagro que no haya quedado hecho un desastre!

La verdad es que soy de la opinión que si algo te ronda la cabeza y tienes la necesidad de hacerlo y lo quieres, lo mejor es que vayas y lo hagas, no solo que lo intentes o que te quedes pensándolo!
Ya lo decía Yoda... xDDDD

So... This is how my bangs looked before my impulsive scissor attack:
Así que bueno, así es cómo tenía el flequillo antes del impulsivo ataque de tijera:

And this is how they look after it!
Y así es cómo ha quedado!

Also, an extra selca (aka camwhoring) shot for all of you, with pouty lips and everything:
Y de regalo una autofoto (que camwhoring se entiende igual) con labios sugerentes o patiles, como se prefiera xDDDDD (el día que me ponga a sacar los labios de verdad temblará Donald xDDD)

As you might see, I had my SLR in my hand there. Well, the thing is that no matter how much I try, I don't like the way I look in pretty much ANY pic I take with that cam if the lights aren't like uber fantastic (or sunlight), and since usually that only happens in the bathroom... I won't post any good quality pic for now.

Como podéis ver, tenía la SLR en la mano y bueno, la cuestión es que da igual cuanto lo intente (porque lo intento, lo aseguro), no me gusta cómo salgo en CASI ninguna foto que hago con ella a no ser que la luz sea fantástica y estupendosa y... bueno, eso solo suele pasar cuando: a) tienes focos, b) es de día o c) estás en el lavabo. Así que por ahora no habrá fotos bonitas xDDDD

Well, what do you think about the change?!

Bueno, qué pensáis del cambio?!

I was also trying to record a sort of tutorial for the eye make-up I'm wearing in these pics, which is based in Yun's style in one of the pages of this A/W Egg Beauty! I was thinking about doing a series of inspired styles from the magazine so I can start posting more make-up content!

Sadly, my cam stopped recording halfway and I was in a bit of a hurry and didn't have the time to remove everything  and start again, so I chose to let it go. But, do you like the idea? Would you like to see a "tutorial" (I don't like the word tutorial) on this style and the idea of my inspired series?

Let me know and thanks for reading!

POR CIERTO! Estaba intentando también hacer una especie de tutorial para el maquillaje de ojos que llevo en esas fotos, que está basado en uno de los estilos que Yun lleva en la edición de otoño/invierno de la Egg Beauty (que me compré en el salón del manga)! Estaba pensando hacer una serie de maquillajes inspirados en los estilos de la revista para empezar a postear más contenido orientado al maquillaje, que por lo que ví interesa!

Desgraciadamente la cámara decidió mandarme a paseo a la mitad, y como tenía un poco de prisa no era plan de quitármelo todo y volver a empezar, así que preferí pasar, pero así os puedo preguntar primero! Os gusta la idea? Os gustaría ver un "tutorial" (o lo que sea, porque no me gusta el concepto de llamar tutorial a lo que pueda hacer, ni que sea yo una experta en nada! xDDDD) de este estilo y la idea del resto de estilos inspirados así como una serie?

Comentadme algo y gracias por leer, como siempre!!
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