Thursday, December 30, 2010

New look! (aka going blonde)

This is what I looked like yesterday:

And this is what I look like tonight!

Yaaay, I'm going blonde!
I'm really happy with it, even if it's way darker than I wanted.
Will post a decent pic whenever I take one.


Coming soon:
Jill Stuart - Mix Blush Compact (in baby blush shade)

Monday, December 27, 2010

CandyDoll Mineral Powder Review

This Xmas my other half has taken a lot of care about my desires. He always does though.
From a lot of other wonderful gifts talking of which does not belong to this blog (but if you want me to talk about Bioware and such, tell me about it and I'll lovingly do!), I wanted to show you one of my precious:
No voy a traducir literalmente porque... me da palo xD.
Estas navidades mi otra mitad querida me ha regalado muchísimas cosas que llevo queriendo durante mucho tiempo (algunas de las cuales no corresponden a éste blog, así que cómo no me digáis que os apetece que hable de juegos y Bioware, las obviaré). Es el mejor! <3
Hoy os voy a enseñar una de ellas:

Tsubasa's CandyDoll Mineral Powder!
As you'd expect, the packaging is as great as product by itself.
Try to picture my face when I unwrapped the present and found out some freebies as well. This lovely strip comes with a tiny amount of all the blushers and highlighters you can have. As a drug dealer, Tsubasa is tempting us with trying her products so we can't live without them in the end. She's so evil, isn't she?
Como era de esperar, el packaging es tan genial como el producto en sí mismo. Ahora intentad imaginaros qué sorpresa me llevé cuando vi que venía con muestritas de colorete e iluminador! Tsubasa es como un camello, primero te lo hace probar para que luego no puedas vivir sin ello y piques!
Blushers are: Strawberry Pink, Peach Pink & Carrot Orange. Dunno about the name of the highlighters.
No tengo ni idea del nombre de los iluminadores!
Allright, now onto the powder.
Did I tell you that I love the packaging? I did? Allright, I love this packaging. I love every single packaging Tsubasa produces, I like the level of details she puts into doing what she does. I know there's an industry behind her, and that in the end this is just business, but I do not like the outcome of whatever all the other models do, so I'm pretty sure she's not just a puppet. (This is starting to sound like a rant. I'll keep the rant for a future post!)
Bueno, una vez vistas las muestricas, vamos al meollo. Me encantan todos los packagings de los productos que saca ésta mujer. Sé que algunas consideran a todas las modelos de éste mundillo (iba a decir a todas las modelos que sacan productos, pero me he dado cuenta que es en general) simples marionetas, cuerpos vacíos a merced de la industria. No quiero negar que hay una industria detrás, pero me gustaría poner en duda gran parte de ésas opiniones. Hay muchas modelos, muchas de ellas han sacado productos y se nota en todos ellos un toque personal. A mí me gusta la esencia que esta mujer imprime en las cosas. Más allá de eso, creo que tanto las modelos cómo las revistas son producto de ciertos individuos (ciertas individuas en general) que se han comprometido tanto con todo esto que han querido dedicar su vida profesional a ello. Cómo una shop staff con suerte. De todas formas dejo éste tema para otra ocasión, que acabo de decir que no quiero quejarme y al traducir me he vuelto a emocionar. XD
D'you know what? I don't really like this applicator. At first I thought it'd be wonderful, but somehow the distribution of the powder through all the applicator isn't uniform and it leads to having to rub a bit more than I'd like. Maybe it's more about how the holes were made than about the applicator itself, but I still don't like it.
Sabéis qué? No me gusta nada el pompón aplicador. Pensaba que sería genialoso y una pasada, pero por alguna razón el polvo no se distribuye uniformemente y acabo teniendo que restregármelo por toda la cara, además de tener que ir a coger producto demasiadas veces. Supongo que más que el aplicador en sí son los agujeros de la tapa, pero no me acaba de convencer. El pompón no parece tener nada malo, pero...
The powder is really really REALLY (I feel I can't stress that really enough) thin. I'm really scared of loosing it all if I ever remove the lid (if I ever THINK of removing the lid), but you've got to do something if you want to get some powder on the applicator. Okay, now I'm starting to feel clumsy. Maybe you wouldn't have issues with this, but I do.

Los polvos son MUY finos. Mirad cuantas veces he escrito "really" ahí arriba para daros cuenta de lo mucho que quiero resaltar que son muy finos. Parece que se te vayan a salir volando si te atreves, no, si piensas en atreverte a sacar la tapa. Pero claro, tienes que sacarlos de alguna forma, porque sino cómo te los vas a aplicar? Pues golpecitos, sacudidas (con la tapa de arriba XD) e ir probando. La verdad es que me hacen sentir un poco torpe. Quizá vosotras (vosotros) no tendríais problemas con esto!
As for the results, I'd say it does what it's supposed to, nothing more, nothing less. I was a bit disappointed when I realized it wasn't going to turn me into Tsubasa.
They do finish well, they keep your skin matte and smooth and they make sure your make up doesn't go away as easily as it'd go if you didn't use them. You wouldn't like to use a huge amount of them, because everything would start getting a bit too dry and cracked.
Sobre los resultados no tengo mucho más que decir que... Hacen lo que tienen que hacer, ni más ni menos. Me decepcioné un poco cuando me dí cuenta que no me iban a convertir en Tsubasa (ni a darme la piel que tiene en las fotos XD). Dan un buen acabado, mantienen la piel mate y de aspecto suave y se aseguran que tu maquillaje no se irá tan fácilmente como si no los usases. No es bueno usar demasiado porque resecan un poco y acaba todo como la típica ilustración que sale para ejemplificar una tierra árida en los libros de texto (vamos, cuarteado).

I haven't used them myself too much since I got them for Christmas, so I haven't had time to get myself a well thought out impression, but I'll re-review them if I feel this makes them no justice.

No los he usado demasiado (pues me los dió en Navidad -bueno, Nochevieja-), así que tampoc he tenido tiempo de formarme una opinión bien sopesada, pero esta es mi primera impresión. Si más adelante sintiese que lo que he dicho aquí no les hace justicia ya los re-reviewearé!

Thanks for reading, take care and see you soon!
Gracias por leer, cuidaos y nos vemos pronto!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fashion progress (and evolution)

It hasn't been that much since I decided I enjoy gyaru fashion and I want to be a part of it. I've religiously tried to get the look every day (unless I got sick or you know, stuff like that) and while I've seen my own progress in terms of make up and hair and I really feel I'm getting there day by day, when it comes to clothing I feel totally clueless and lost. One of the reasons is that I need a lot of stuff that I don't have. I do have a huge lack of accessories and shoes which I try to solve day by day, but it takes time! (I can't spend like 6000€ one afternoon to get some basics lol)

So no matter how frustrated I might be at the plain-ness of my outfits or such, I need to learn day by day to coordinate and to know what does look good together (for both my taste and gal, that is) with what I have and what can be a "profitable purchase".

That said, I wanted to make a list of stuff that is fashionable nowadays which I like so I could have a clear guide when January (and its dear sales lol) comes.

But first I'd like to review of some of my old outfits (of the few ones I've got pics) and my evolution through time so I can share a starting point and have all your advice to begin with.

Of course I've got to say that I despise every single pic and attempt of outfit, lol. I'm just a noob and I can see the difference between those who really got the style in their hands and dominate it and make it look so easy! (Hallo you! :P).

Also, I'm in a "I want to burn my whole closet" mood, but I'm trying my best haha.

Outfit 1: October '10

This is the oldest attempt of outfit which I keep pics of in my computer after changing my hair color and trying some new stuff. Here I was combining two skirts to get something more catchy(?), and a hair accessory.

I don't really like how plain the sweater looks, and I believe it'd be better just changing it with a less "boring" one. Details like any kind of cute print or bows or whatever would have done.
Of course, same applies for the cardi, but I really don't think that's the problem.

Hair: I'd like it bigger. I didn't have a hair curler back then, so I tried my best just with the dryer. I think it looks somewhat cute, but not big and noticeable enough.
I was somewhat more focused on make up back then.

Also, maybe if the tights would have had a larger hole of net or more details it would have looked way better. More interesting for the eye.

And finally: ACCESSORIES! A bigger belt (with chains! like that d.i.a. belt with a star which omg I just love!) and necklaces!
(I didn't kinda censor my face on the first pic because it's not like it's visible lol)

Outfit 2: 12 November '10

When I found that smiling sweater in H&M I fell in love with it. I found it funny and trendy and whatever. Now I kinda hate it and it's been a bit less than a month, lol. What would I say here? I don't really like how anything looks.

Maybe tight-high socks would have everything look way better instead of those lacey white tights that just make my legs look like columns lol. Necklaces are one of my constant points of failure, and I wasn't wearing bracelets either in that pic, so this adds to the plainless. Maybe some huge white furry earmuffs would have made everything look better!

I don't really know what else can I say here.

Outfit 3: 18 November '10

I'm sorry, but I don't have a full body shot of this. I wanted to put it here because it's one of my first attempts to style my hair with the teaser!
I love that nordic print "poncho" thingy. This is one of the pieces I'd save and it's a pity I don't have a full body shot of a coordi! I'll try to make one soon.

Outfit 4: 09 December '10

No real highlight on the outfit here, even if I'm choosing this pic. I'd posted it because this was one of the first time that I liked how much volume did my hair end up with!
Same boring grey sweater, and a jean skirt which I ended up boring, but the outfit was incomplete by the time I took that pic!
Also, something funny that happened to me with those leggings... I had been searching forever some leggings like those. Like the Uniqlo ones. When I saw them at some store I was like "OMG I SO HAFTA GET THEM", but when I got home I realized that the holes just went to the knee, so If I wanted them to be through all the leg they'd be more like... Ovals. I felt so scammed... XDD

Outfit 5: 10 December '10

This is one of the first outfits that I start to like. It's simple, clean and it has two three of my favourite things: nordic print, tight-high socks and jean! I do look a bit chubby in this pic though, wouldn't know why. I'm aware of it lol. Anyway, it still lacks some accessories, like furry things, and better shoes. I wouldn't know if adding a belt here would be a good or a bad idea.

Outfit 6: 15 Dec '10

And finally, this would be my fav choice of all. I really like the tights, I really like the skirt and how do the knee-high socks and the boots look like together. I wore this with my (ridiculously short) H&M fauxtail (see the word game I did there? XDDDD), which is an accessory I love. As always, something for the head and a belt would have made it all look better. And a necklace!

Of course, I'm nothing near good but my point is to keep trying and improving a lil bit with each try.

I'm a bit sad because I wore some outfits which I might have liked a lot, but I can't find appropriate pics (not good quality enough) or no pics at all. To the left there's an example of poor quality pic.
And I look a bit chubby here too :(

From this small analysis I've seen that I repeat a lot necklace, belt and hair accessory (and earmuffs!), (and shoes, and nails, but that's a whole different story) so these will be my targets (aside from blondness lol) for my next magazine dissection and shopping spree!

As always, I'll appreciate any of your kind comments. ^_^
Take care!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La ropa que mejor te sienta: Conoce la forma de tu cuerpo.

Antes de nada, la inveitable advertencia:
No soy una experta en estos temas, ni estoy estudiando nada parecido ni nada similar. Simplemente me interesan éstos temas y me gustaría poder compartir todo lo que he podido encontrar y aprender gracias a Internet (a los internets, cómo se dice xD).

Nadie me puede negar lo frustrante que es estar enamorada de un cierto tipo de prenda que simplemente no te queda bien. Te lo miras en la percha y en el mostrador, te lo imaginas con el outfit más maravilloso que se te ocurre y cuando te lo pones... Simplemente algo no funciona.

Esto me solía pasar bastante a menudo (y no digo que no me pase, sólo que no tan frecuentemente :P). Me fijaba en los outfits maravillosos que llevan las modelos en las revistas y ponía todo mi empeño en reproducirlos pero nunca tenía éxito. La clave es que no importa lo maravilloso que sea ese conjunto, está pensado para compensar las proporciones de SU cuerpo!

Hace ya un tiempo leí en E_G un comentario que, aunque no iba dirigido a mí, me hizo pensar y me ayudó bastante. A grandes rasgos decía que antes de meterte en ningún tipo de moda en particular era importante conocer los básicos de la moda. Como me caló tanto (es obvio! cómo te vas a meter en una especialidad si no conoces lo general?) me puse a buscar por google todo lo que pude encontrar acerca de lo primero que hay que saber sobre moda, y me encontré muchas, muchísimas referencias a los distintos tipos de cuerpos y a lo importante que son.

La forma de nuestro cuerpo, nuestro tipo de cuerpo, es una realidad que no podemos ignorar (bueno, poder podemos, pero no deberíamos!). Es una particularidad nuestra, igual que el color de nuestros ojos, tener el pelo rubio, la piel más rosada o nuestra altura. Además, teniendo en cuenta lo importante que es la simetría y las proporciones al ojo humano, tener en cuenta cómo es nuestro cuerpo se convierte en algo capital.

Por supuesto, los tipos de cuerpos y todo lo relacionado con ellos ha sido discutido hasta la saciedad: cuantos hay, cómo son, cómo se llaman. Realmente podemos encontrar muchas variaciones y dado que esto no es una ciencia exacta lo importante no es determinar qué modelo es más exacto si no hacerse una idea general de cómo van las cosas. Realmente es tan subjetivo que a lo mejor a tu parecer hay otros modelos que se ajusten mejor. A mí el que me ha gustado más es el que he encontrado en ésta web y es el que voy a seguir, pero estoy segura que si buscas un poco encontrarás muchas otras opciones.

Entonces... ¿Qué tipos de cuerpos hay? Este modelo diferencia 5 formas o tipos distintos: Reloj de arena, Rectángular, Triángulo invertido, Pera y Manzana.

En realidad los nombres son bastante gráficos!
Echémosles un vistazo general:
  • Reloj de arena Bien proporcionado, el busto es del mismo tamaño que las caderas, la cintura es pequeña y definida. Éste es el tipo de cuerpo que se considera el deseado, dado que mantiene una proporción entre la parte superior y la inferior.
  • Rectángulo (también llamada columna o regla) Normalmente se percibe éste tipo de cuerpo como masculino, pues apenas hay diferencia entre el busto, las caderas y la cintura.
  • Triángulo invertido (o cono) La parte superior del cuerpo tiene más peso que la parte inferior. Los hombros son anchos (al igual que el pecho), la cintura no tiene mucha definición y las caderas son pequeñas en comparación con los hombros.
  • Pera (o cuchara) La pera sería el contrario del triángulo invertido, dado que todo el peso del cuerpo se concentra en las caderas (en la parte inferior del cuerpo). Así pues, las caderas serían la parte más prominente, siendo hombros y busto pequeños en comparación y teniendo poca definición de cintura.
  • Manzana El peso del cuerpo se concentra en el centro. Aunque la parte superior y la inferior del cuerpo pueden ser proporcionales, la cintura es grande en comparación.
Bueno, pues más o menos estas son todas las formas que existen. ¿Ahora cómo sé cual soy yo?
Ante todo mi recomendación es que te midas. Medirte puede ser un poco engañoso según cómo lo hagas, pero el truco está en recordar que:
  • Tienes que medirte el pecho en la línea del pezón, sin apretarlo (normalmente no está apretado, así que sería una medida falsa!).
  • La cintura debe medirse dónde sea más estrecha.
  • Las caderas se deben medir dónde más anchas sean.
Piensa como si fueras un sastre. Si tuvieses que hacerte un vestido, te gustaría que te entrase (así que medirás el máximo en las caderas) pero que se te ajustase (y por eso la menor cintura!). Pero si no te mides, deberías mirar a tu cuerpo e intentar ser sincera contigo misma. Decir que no puedes tener forma de reloj de arena porque te sobran unos kilos no es ser sincera! Una misma forma puede adoptar muchas medidas, lo importante es la proporción! ;)

Si te puedes identificar rápidamente con una de las formas, perfecto! Si no, o si dudas entre un par, te recomiendo encarecidamente una vez más que te midas.

En el próximo post (cuando tenga tiempo :P) hablaré sobre las mejores formas de vestir en función de cada forma. Un pequeño anticipo: el truco está en descubrir que encontramos la belleza en la proporción, así que cuanto más puedas acercarte a la forma del reloj de arena, mejor!

Gracias por leer y hasta la próxima! :D



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Make-up evolution

One month lapse:

Make-up evolution

























What do you think?

Do you have concrit for me? ^^


Short post to compensate the lack of posting.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clothes that suit you better 1: Body shapes

First of all, the unavoidable "disclaimer":

I am no expert in this field, nor am studying anything about it or the like. I just happen to be interested in it and would like to share with you all what I've been able to find around this infinite source of knowledge that is the Internet. The Internets, all of it (Izit dixit).

Isn't it frustrating when you love a certain kind of garment that just doesn't look good on you? When you build up the most amazing coordinates with the clothes laid over your bed but something looks wrong when you wear it?

This kind of thing used to happen to me a lot before. I used to look at the amazing outfits some models wore and tried to reproduce them in me to no avail, because no matter how amazing that outfit was, it was thought to compensate the proportions of a determined model who happened to have a way different body than mine.

I remember a comment I once read in E_G. It wasn't directed to me, but it was a wise advice. It said that before getting into any kind of particular fashion one should know about the basics of fashion. So I asked google about this subject, and a huge amount of the results pointed me to the importance of the body shape.

Body shapes are a reality we can't ignore (well, we can, but we shouldn't!). They're one of our features, just like being short, tall, having an awesome metabolism or small feel. Of course, body shapes have been discussed to boredom, and there are many variations in number, kind and names.
Since this is not science, the accuracy of the models lies on one's judgement. I have chosen to follow the model found here, since it looked to me like the most appropriate option, but if you do a very small research you'll find many other options.

So... What body shapes can we find?
This model differences five body shapes:
Hourglass, Rectangle, Inverted triangle, Pear and Apple.

Names are quite illustrative!

Let's take a general overview to those:

  • Hourglass shape
    Well proportioned, bust is the same size as the hips, with a small and pronounced waist. This is considered the desired shape for most women, since it keeps a proportion between
  • Rectangle (possible variations: column, ruler)
    This is usually perceived as a manly shape, since there's almost no difference between bust, hips and waist.
  • Inverted triangle (or cone)
    The upper body is has more weight than the lower body. Broad shoulders and bust, medium waist and small hips.
  • Pear (also called triangle or spoon)
    A pear would be the opposite of an inverted triangle, since all the body weight is placed at the lower middle body. Hips would be the most prominent part, while shoulders and bust would be small, and there would be little waist definition.
  • Apple
    The weight of the body concentrates at the center. While the upper body and the hips might keep proportional, the waist is big in comparison.

Allright, so these are mainly all the body shapes there are.
Now, which one am I?

First of all, my recommendation would be to measure yourself. Taking measurements can be a little tricky, but the point is to remember that:

  • You've got to measure your bust at the nipple line, without squishing it (that wouldn't be a right measurement because it's not normally squished!).
  • Waist must be measured where it's smaller.
  • Hips must be measured wherever they're bigger.

Just think as a tailor. If you had to make a dress for yourself, you would like it to enter (so you would take the max. point of hips) and fit (hence the minimum waist).

You should take a look at your body and try to be honest with yourself.

Saying "I can't be an hourglass, I'm fat!" isn't being honest to yourself, you know.
If you can identify yourself with one of these shapes in a quick sight, good! If not, or if you doubt between two it's better to refer to the measurements and check where are you.

Next post will be about the best ways to dress according to your body shape.
Just as an advance, I'll tell you that the trick to all of this is to take into consideration that we always find beauty in what's proportioned, so the more hourglassy your overall shape looks, the better.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!


¿Queréis que lo traduzca?
Un saludo!

Friday, November 5, 2010

{UPDATED} New haircut!

I'm so happy with it!

It looks way darker in this pic than in real life, but the color is just awesome.
I'll post a daylight pic soon so I can prove how's the color when it shines with all its strength! *^^*

/////// UPDATE

Daylight pic!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Autumm/Winter "wants" & inspiration

Jackets & Outerwear







Ponchos & Onepieces
















Leggins  & Pankinsu & Legwarmers & Such






Cool outfits & Points

































Inspirational post inspired by Sara Mari's "gets".

Post in constant evolution!

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